All those seeking certification have to purchase the manual and take the certification test. If you buy the manual, study up and take the test without doing any additional training it is called "Self-Study".
Your training certificate will be the first page of your manual. You will need to present this certificate to your proctor when you take your exam.
Do you want to take the Private Applicator Certification Training online? [ To register ]. You will be sent a link to the training. Once started you have 14 days to complete the training. You will receive one completion certificate that must be shown to the test proctor to be graded at 50%.
Tests can be taken either at a participating County Extension Office or through Pearson Vue.
1) To find a participating County Extension Office giving the test. By appointment only.
2) Testing with Pearson Vue. Set up an account and schedule a test.
Pearson Vue provides your results immediately and you get your credentials within 3 business days. Tests with Pearson Vue are $45 / test.